TERRE DES FEMMES – Unsilence the Violence

Statues Speak Out: A Campaign to end Sexual Harassment

Bronze statues around the world are united by one phenomenon. You can clearly see where people touch them again and again: on their breasts. Unfortunately, such unwanted touching is also the everyday reality for many women. Two out of three women in Germany experience sexual harassment in various forms and dimensions. That’s why we launched UNSILENCE THE VIOLENCE.

Sexual harassment is a global, social problem that can even be observed in public: on female bronze statues – more precisely on their breasts. For TERRE DES FEMMES, we made aware of this phenomenon by framing and including them into an OOH installation and made them part of the design. As each statue has different dimensions and spatial constraints, we created the installation formats for each statue individually.

Together with the strong message they became advocates for women affected by sexual harassment and drew attention to the problem and its consequences.

Date: 22. Februar 2024
Services: Animation, AI Artist